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~~<1855<<470>>2053^^>> Trezor_~~wallet^^__ support number


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Jul 17, 2023
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~~<1855<<470>>2053^^>> Trezor_~~wallet^^__ support number
~~<1855<<470>>2053^^>> Trezor_~~wallet^^__ support number
~~<1855<<470>>2053^^>> Trezor_~~wallet^^__ support number
~~<1855<<470>>2053^^>> Trezor_~~wallet^^__ support number
~~<1855<<470>>2053^^>> Trezor_~~wallet^^__ support number
~~<1855<<470>>2053^^>> Trezor_~~wallet^^__ support number
SushiSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that uses an AMM. This automated market maker utilizes smart contracts to create markets for trading pairs of different tokens. Liquidity providers supply these smart contracts with capital and enable frictionless trading. The exchange was one of the earliest to adopt this model and was initially a fork of UniSwap, another popular DEX. It later grew into one of the biggest exchanges in all of DeFi and is now available on almost all EVM-compatible layer-one blockchains and several layer-two solutions for Ethereum.

The exchange targets mostly DeFi traders and institutions that want to enjoy permissionless and non-custodial trading. It does away with liquidity issues and has a more egalitarian governance approach than other exchanges. Its native token can be used for voting on governance proposals.

Its core products include the Bento Box, a token vault that generates yield for the capital deposited into it. Kashi lending is a lending and margin trading platform where anyone can create customized and gas-efficient markets for tokens. MasterChef V2 is a liquidity provision program that contains over $1 billion, at the time of writing. Finally, Miso provides projects with access to trading on the exchange itself, either through fixed price or dutch auction options.
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